2024 Results
- Pass Rate = 99%
- Average Point Score (APS) = 33.3 (C+)
- Value Added (VA) = +0.11*
*Data is yet to be published by the DfE. This data is taken from the Sixth Form Colleges Association Analysis ‘Six Dimensions.’
- Pass Rate = 99%
- Average Point Score (APS) = 33.0
- Value Added (VA) = N/A
Applied General:
- Pass Rate = 100%
- Average Point Score (APS) = 35.2
- Value Added (VA) = +0.34 (BTEC Extended Certificate) *
*Data is yet to be published by the DfE. This data is taken from the Sixth Form Colleges Association Analysis ‘Six Dimensions.’
- 67% of students went to university
- 24% of students went to Sutton 30 universities
- 15 students have secured places at Oxbridge or Medical School
Subject Performance:
On average…
- 100% of physics students score a full grade higher than similar students nationally
- 83% of Geology students score a full grade higher than similar students nationally
- 80% of PE students score a full grade higher than similar students nationally
- 67% of French students score a full grade higher than similar students nationally
- 65% of economics students score a full grade higher than similar students nationally
- 65% of computing students score a full grade higher than similar students nationally
- 7 subjects sit within the top 10% of subject performance nationally
- 9 subjects sit within the top 20% of subject performance nationally
- 14 subjects sit within the top 30% of subject performance nationally
- 70% of subjects fall into the top half of subject performance nationally
National Figure
TSFA sits within a group of sixth form colleges that make up 5% of all sixth form colleges nationally that serve a disadvantaged demographic, are Ofsted outstanding on all measures and obtain a positive value added in A-Level measures.